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Holes Day 5

I will be responding to all your comments?

Answer these questions in the comments.

1. Madame Zeroni gave a piglet to Elya (Stanley’s great grandfather). She told him to carry the piglet to the stream on top of the mountain and allow it to drink from the stream and sing to it each day. Then on Myra’s 15th birthday, bring it to her. Madame Zeroni said it would be fatter than any of Igor’s then. She also asked him to promise her to do one thing. What was that and what would happen if he didn’t?

2. Where were the sneakers stolen from?
3. How was X-Rays shovel different from the rest?
4. In the auction at the homeless shelter, how much were the shoes going to sell for?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Wayne Nolan

    1. Elya had promised that he would carry Madame Zeroni up the hill and if he didn’t all is descendants would be doomed for all of the eternity.

    2. The shoes had been stolen from the homeless shelter.

    3. Xrays shovel was different because it was shorter.

    4. In the auction the shoes were to be sold for 5,000 dollars.

    **Great work Wayne.

  2. Tadhg Kennedy

    1. Elya had to promise to do one for Madame Zeroni which was to carry her up to the mountains and drink from the stream and sing the song to me….
    2.The sneakers were stolen from the homeless shelter.
    3. X-rays had his own special shovel which no one else could use and it was shorter than the others only by a fraction.
    4. The shoes were going to sell for a value of over Five thousand dollars.

    **Super work Tadhg. Well done this week. You put in a really big effort.

  3. Kyle

    1 He would get a curse and would be doomed for eternity.
    2 the sneakers were stolen from the homeless shelter.
    3 x-rays shovel was smaller then others.
    4 the sneakers were selling for 5000

    ** Great work Kyle

  4. Omar

    Question 1: She also asked him to carry her uo the mountain and let her drink the water from the stream,she also asked him to sing her.
    Question 2: They were stolen from the homeless shelter.
    Question 3: X-rays shovel was a fraction of an inch smaller than all the other shovels,he did this so he could dig less.
    Question 4: They were going to be sold in an auction for over 5000 dollars.

    **Great work Omar. Regarding Question 1 Omar, do you think Elya carried Madame Zeroni up the mountain? I remember reading in the book that Stanley called his great grandfather a NO GOOD DIRTY ROTTEN PIG STEALING GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER.

  5. Carla

    1. Madame Zeroni told Elya that he has to carry her up the mountain to drink from the stream and to sing to her. If he didn’t do this he and his descendants would be doomed for all eternity.
    2. The sneakers were stolen from the homeless shelter.
    3. X-rays shovel was a tiny bit smaller than the others.
    4. 5000 dollars

    **Excellent work Carla, Do you think Elya kept his promise to Madame Zeroni?

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