The Tooth
Doing the right thing for the right reasons
Arnie the Doughnut
What is a compromise?
The Coal Thief
A story of integrity. What is integrity?
It is the story of a child’s error in judgment, lessons learned, and the growth of character.

Henry Holton Takes The Ice
A solid reminder that respect for individuality and personal preferences is the most important thing.

Clark the Shark
Did you ever hear the phrase there is a time and a place for everything? What does it mean?
Sebastian’s Roller Skates
Have you ever been shy in a situation? Have you ever wanted to say something but was too shy to say it?
The Rainbow Fish
Are their any benefits to sharing.
Did you ever have something that someone else wanted? How did that feel? How did you act toward that person? Were you proud? Were you uncomfortable? Did you share what you had? Why or why not?
No More Noisy Nights
Are you afraid of the dark at night? are you scared of other things?
It’s always best to confront them.
Mice Twice
The importance of friends. Why is it important to have friends?
Catching the Moon
How to build Friendships
Catching the Moon
A true story of grit and determination.
It shows us that dreams are important.
Brave Irene
Why is determination such an important life skill?
What is being responsible?
Tell me about something that was difficult for you?
Why did you do this difficult thing?
Did anyone help you?
What would you say if you were asked to do this difficult thing again?
BRAVE IRENE is about a young girl, named
Irene, who helps her mother deliver a package.
The special package is a dress Irene’s mother
has made for a duchess, who lives in a palace a
good distance from Irene’s home. When Irene’s
mother becomes ill, Irene offers to deliver the
package on foot, through wind and snow, to the
Irene’s journey provides to be very difficult. At
one point, the little girl loses the dress and
trudges on with the empty box to the palace if
only to explain what has happened to the
duchess. The end of the story finds Irene, the
box, and the dress, safe inside the palace. The
next day, Irene is returned, “special delivery”,
compliments of the duchess’ staff, to her home.
A Bad Case of Stripes
How does it make people feel when others tease them, and how to accept differences in others.
Are you ever worried about what people think of you?
Do you sometimes sacrifice what you like just to fit in?
Why do we worry about what others think. Why do people bully. Let’s learn to respect and accept differences in others.

Carla’s Sandwich
We shouldn’t just go with the flow even if it ends with others not liking us.
Different is good…right? Not in Carla’s world. This elementary school girl enjoys being different by making her own “specialty sandwiches”.
She puts things on bread that most would never dream of…spaghetti, raisins, pretzels, and even green beans! You can imagine how the other kids treated her. They made fun of Carla and isolated her.
This all changed when a little boy forgot his own sandwich and Carla had an extra. He ended up loving what she made.
Carla started a new trend of everyone trying something different. On the day everyone was bringing a creative sandwich, Carla brings….Peanut Butter and Jelly because she likes to be different from everyone else.
This book reminds me of how important a person’s individuality is. Meeting people where they are and loving them for who they are is important.
We shouldn’t just go with the flow even if it ends with others not liking us. If we are convicted about something, if we value something others don’t, or if we have a stance that others would judge, we should not back down just because it is different. Sometimes doing the right thing goes against society’s flow.
Enemy Pie
Challenging Stereotypes
By spending time with the enemy, the boy got to know his enemy better. Eventually, he got rid of his enemy by turning him into a friend. This can be a story to simply teach readers to challenge existing stereotypes.