If there a bird to represent Dublin, what should it be?
Many Dubliners believe it should be the Brent Goose.
They are a migratory bird just like the swift, swallow and corncrake but they never meet? Why so?

The are vegetarians and only eat grass.
They come from Bathurst Island in Arctic Canada.

They arrive here in September and leave in March. When they first come to Ireland they all gather at the same location. Strangford Lough.
Then they leave Strangford Lough and many fly to live in Dublin for the Winter months.

At first they live on the coast and eat the ell grass and when food runs low they move to the parks and pitches around Dublin.
They love football pitches, there is a great supply of grass.

In the evening they move back out to the coast where it is safer. Bull Island is a very popular location for them.

How do birdwatchers know so much about the journey of the Brent Geese.