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Holes Day 18

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Zigzag offered his cookie to Stanley so that Zigzag could dig his hole. Isn’t that strange. Why did he do this do you think?

What did Mr. Pendanski do to stop the fighting?

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Tadhg

    1. Zigzag offered his cookie to Stanley so he could dig his hole as he was looking for a fight to happen, Stanley had already told Zigzag to stop bushing him that he did not want any trouble but Zigzag would not listen and pushed Stanley even harder.
    2. Mr Pendanski fired his pistol into the air to stop the boys from fighting just in case maybe one of the boys would get hurt.

  2. Lucas

    1. Zigzag was teasing Stanley with his cookie.
    2. Mr Pendanski shot his pistol in to the air.

  3. Skye

    1.I think Zigzag offered Stanley his cookie so he could dig Stanley hole and give Stanley a day of.
    2.Mr.Pendanski didn’t stop the fight just yet he wanted Stanley to teach the bully a lesson but then Mr.Pendanski shot his pistol inn the air to stop the fight

  4. Lucy Benton

    Ans 1: I think he wanted to start a fight with Stanley so he kept on pushing the cookie in Stanley’s face so he would get annoyed and then start a fight.
    Ans 2: He stopped the fight by firing his pistol into the sky.

  5. Wayne Nolan

    1. zig zag offered stanley his cookie to annoy him because zero was digging stanleys hole and zig zag and the other boys were jealous.
    2. He shot his pistol into the air to stop the boys from fighting.

  6. kyle

    1. Zigzag wanted to start a fight so that’s why he offered.
    2. He shot his pistol in the air to stop the fight.

  7. Amy

    1: I think he tought it was a joke or maybe he was being funny but why would he do that
    2: Mr Pendanski had to stop the fight by firing his pistole in the air to stop them before one of them got hurt

  8. Tia Martin

    1- I think he did it for a laugh or to be funny he might have done it to show off on front of his friends.
    2- Mr. Pendanski stopped the fighting by shooting his pistol into the air.

  9. Carla

    1. I think that if Stanley took the cookie then the other boy could get mad and tell on him. They would not say that they given it to Stanley.

    2. He took out is gun and fired it up into the air and they stopped

  10. Luke

    I think he wanted to start a fight with Stanley so he kept on pushing the cookie in Stanley’s face so he would get angry and then start fighting.

    Mr Pendanski fired his pistol into the air to stop the boys fighting.

  11. Niamh💙

    1. I think maybe he thought it was a joke or maybe for fun but I still don’t understand why he would do that.
    2. Mr. Pendanski had to stop the fight by firing his pistol in the air.

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