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Holes Day 24

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As the boys ate the onions, what did they pretend they were eating?

When did Stanley see that made him realise there was water on the mountain?

If there was no water on the mountain, what would you have done?

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Omar

    1. They pretended the onions were hot fudge sundaes.
    2. Stanley thought that there was water on the mountain because he saw mud.
    3. If there was no water on the mountain I would go to the top of the mountain and check if there was anything nearby.

  2. Wayne Nolan

    1. The boys pertended they were eating a hot fudge sundae.

    2. Stanley realized that the weeds cant grow without water.

    3.I would probably cry because I worked so hard to climb the mountain.

  3. Tia Martin

    1- Zero and Stanly pretended that the onion was a hot fudge sundae.
    2- Stanly realized that there was water on top of the mountain because Stanly saw a muddy puddle.
    3- If there was no water on the mountain I would have made juice out of the onions.

  4. kyle

    1 A hot sundae.
    2 He seen a stream on the mountain.
    3 Cried and gone back to get sploosh.

  5. Lucas

    1. Stanley and zero pretend they where eating a hot fudge sundae
    2. Stanley saw weed’s on the mountain meaning water
    3. I don’t know

  6. Skye

    1. They were pretending that the onion was a hot fughe sundae.
    2.Stanley realise somthing was coming from the mountain and it was mud.
    3.I think I would keep going until the sun goes down and then go for a rest for the night.

  7. Carla

    1. They pretended that the onion was a nice hot fudge Sunday.

    2.stanley seen a trail of mud coming from the mountain.

    3.i think I would have kept going and try to reach the mountain top then maybe take a little sleep.

  8. ❄️N I A M H❄️

    1. They were pretending the onion was a hot fudge sundae.
    2. Stanley realize that there was water on top of the mountain ⛰ because Stanley saw wet mud.
    3. I don’t remember what would happen but I think they would die.

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