You are currently viewing Walk Tall Lesson 8 – Making Decisions

Walk Tall Lesson 8 – Making Decisions

What possessions do you really treasure?

Why are these things important to you?

If your family had to move house and you could only take one of their valued items what would it be?

Everyone has different things they consider important

Today we will be looking at your values and what you think is important to you.


Was it easy or difficult?

Did you find that when you talked to your partner, it helped you to clarify what was important to you?

How do your values influence your decision making?

Marie believes it is important to obey her parents but she also wants to be popular with her friends. If her friends smoke, but her parents disapprove of smoking she will have to decide which value is more important to her.

Can you think of other examples of decisions you made because of what was important to them.