Lesson 1 – My Online World
Today’s class will focus on the internet and what we use it for. I want you to share examples of best internet practice. We will find out about each others knowledge and experience of online tools. Completing todays activity will help us think about the role the internet plays in our lives and to reflect on our online behaviour.
Worksheet 1.1: Fill in the screen with a drawing that shows the best thing to do on the internet. Share knowledge of internet sites that other people might find most useful.
When finished your drawings, present drawings to the class. Before presenting, indicate the main reason why you use the internet (e.g. to socialise, to find information, to play games, to communicate, to learn etc). During their presentations describe what features of the internet they find to be most interesting and helpful.
Before your next activity lets take this quiz. The quiz will help you think about fears associated with new technological inventions.
Q. Were you surprised by any of the answers?
Q. What do the examples in the quiz tell us about how people feel about new technology?
Suggested answer: The examples in the quiz show us how, often times, people worry about change and the effects that new inventions might have. The media can help create hysteria so that people develop fears of new inventions. It seems crazy that people once feared light bulbs and comics but it is actually not unusual for people to fear the unknown. The same thing happens nowadays when revolutionary new pieces of technology are developed.
Q. Have you any concerns about new pieces of technology or the internet?
Q. What can you do to prevent these fears from becoming reality?
Suggested answer: It is important to follow safety advice and instructions, particularly when using new products. Follow guidelines for using the internet laid down by your parents and teachers. Stop and think before posting anything online because, once something goes online, it is public and you lose control of it and how it is used. It is also important always to be respectful in online communications, just as you are in real life. Finally make responsible use of reporting tools if you encounter bullying or other material that makes you uncomfortable, online.
Worksheet 1.2: Technology and safety concerns through the ages.
This evening or some evening this week, I want you to interview the oldest person you know and see regularly. You should find out what technology was new when the older people were in 5th or 6th class. They should see if people had any strange beliefs or fears about this new technology when it first came out, just as Socrates had fears about writing or President Hayes thought no one would use the telephone.